Friday, May 24, 2013

International Student Volunteers in La Mina, Dominican Republic

Ahora (now) we have a group of International Student Volunteers here in La Mina for two weeks of volunteer projects and summer camp for los niños (the kids).

The volunteers conduct a summer camp (campamento de verano) and teach the children about living a healthy life and taking care of our planet. They work with the children of the preschool and the older kids to create fun art objects from plastic bottles. This teaches that there are ways to use what would otherwise be only trash.

The volunteers also do community projects. They work very hard with us to build a bathroom for one of our many abuelas (grandmothers). 

First we prepare and carry our supplies to the building site.

Los chicas son muy fuertes!

We work hard and enjoy helping others.

Pronto estará terminado el nuevo cuarto de baño.
Y la abuela está muy feliz.

(soon the new bathroom will be finished
and the grandmother is very happy)

En nuestra cultura es muy importante respetar y apreciar a nuestros personas mayores. También es muy importante en nuestra cultura de reír y divertirse con los amigos! Y los niños del mundo les encanta jugar limbo!

(In our culture it is very important to respect and appreciate our seniors. It is also very important in our culture to laugh and have fun with our friends! And children everywhere love to play limbo!)

Y el ganador es Yocelanny!
(and the winner is Yocelanny)

Damos gracias a nuestros nuevos amigos de América del Norte.
(we give thanks to our new friends from North America)

Hasta luego!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The many smiles of La Mina, Dominican Republic

Aquí en La Mina nos gusta sonreír y reír.
(here in La Mina we like to smile and laugh)

When you walk down our street we will greet you "Hola! ¿Como esta?"

En la calle or from our fromt porch. "Bien, bien! ¿Y tu?"

Amamos a nuestros amigos y nuestras familias.
(we love our friends and our families)

Nos encanta la hermosa tierra en que vivimos.
(we love the beautiful land we live in)

Gracias Javier por el paseo del río.
(thank you Javier for our walk to the river)

Hasta Luego!